January 23rd, 2023








Dear QuARC presenters we are excited to remind you that QuARC 2023 is fast approaching!

Here you will find the guidelines for the submission of your posters and pitch presentations.


  1. Posters will be submitted to this Google Drive.
  2. Please navigate to the Google drive and use the poster template for formatting your poster presentations.
  3. Upload your poster to the appropriate Research Area folder.
  4. Label your poster with the appropriate Session Number (found in the Google Drive).
  5. Posters must be submitted in .pdf format.
  6. Posters should be named as ‘S#N#_poster.pdf’ (for example: S1N1_poster.pdf).
  7. Posters must be uploaded to the Google Drive by Monday, January 9th to be printed and covered by QuARC. If you submit your poster after this deadline, you will be responsible for printing and bringing your poster to the conference.

Pitch presentations

(For individuals who agreed to give pitch presentations)

  1. Pitch slides will be submitted to the same Google Drive.
  2. Please navigate to the Google drive and use the pitch template for formatting your presentations.
  3. Pitches must be within 1 minute in length.
  4. Upload your slides to the appropriate Research Area folder.
  5. Slides must be submitted in .pptx format.
  6. Slides should be named as ‘S#N#_pitch.pptx’ (for example: S1N1_pitch.pptx).
  7. Slides must be submitted by Friday, January 20th.

Feel free to email quarc2023-exec@mit.edu if you have any questions.