Effects of Dopants in Magnetic and Topological Properties of ZrMnP and HfMnP
Tej Nath Lamichhane | Mingda Li
ZrMnP and HfMnP have recently identified Mn-based high anisotropic ferromagnets Wyle Semimetals with nodal lines in electronic bands topology protected by a vertical mirror plane. High anisotropic magnetic properties and anomalous Hall conductance are reported. Additional physical properties that could carry the signature of topological properties of the samples such as thermoelectric power would be investigated, and several isoelectronic doping would be executed to tune the physical properties. In addition to doping, nearby lurking structurally analog compounds will be synthesized in single-crystalline forms and investigated for the potential topological properties.
Funding Sources: Postdoctoral Researcher

Tej Nath Lamichhane
Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Lab, Postdoc
Areas of Research
- Superconducting Quantum Systems
- Low-Dimensional Materials & Devices
Open to
- Full-time positions