February 7th, 2022
Dear QuARC presenters,
We are excited to remind you that QuARC 2022 is fast approaching! On this page, you will find a few important updates regarding poster and pitch submission.
- Posters will be submitted to this Google Drive.
- Please navigate to the Google drive and use the poster template for formatting your poster presentations.
- Upload your poster to the appropriate Research Area folder.
- Label your poster with the appropriate Session Number (found in the Google Drive).
- Posters must be submitted in .pdf format
- Posters should be named as ‘S#N#_poster.pdf (for example S1N1_poster.pdf).
- Posters must be submitted by Wednesday, February 2nd at 5:00 pm EST.
For individuals who agreed to send pitch presentations, pitch information is below.
- Pitches will be submitted to the same Google Drive link above.
- Please navigate to the Google drive and use the pitch template for formatting your presentations.
- You may use Zoom to record your pitch presentation. You can do this by starting a personal meeting, hitting “Record,” and then ending the recording at the end of your pitch.
- Pitches must be within 2 minutes in length.
- Upload your pitch to the appropriate Research Area folder.
- Pitches must be submitted in .mp4 format.
- Pitches should be name as ‘S#N#_pitch.mp4’ (for example: S1N1_pitch.mp4).
- Pitches must be submitted by Wednesday, February 2nd at 5:00 pm EST
Feel free to email Hamza Raniwala (raniwala@mit.edu) or Yuqin Sophia Duan (sophiayd@mit.edu) if you have any questions. Thank you very much!Best,
iQuISE Exec