Floquet Mode Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier
Kaidong Peng | Mahdi Naghiloo | Jennifer Wang | Yanjie Qiu | Yufeng Ye | Kyle Serniak | Alexander J Melville | Wayne Woods | David K Kim | Bethany Niedzielski | Jonilyn L Yoder | Mollie E Schwartz | William D Oliver | Kevin P O’Brien
Floquet Mode Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (Floquet TWPAs) [1] have been theoretically predicted to be broadband, quantum-limited, and crucially directional at the same time, overcoming the bandwidth-quantum efficiency trade-off of state-of-the-art broadband amplifiers. In this work, we discuss the practical advantages and challenges in realizing Floquet TWPAs on the superconducting quantum circuit platform for fast, high-fidelity qubit readout and report our experimental progress of Floquet Josephson TWPAs using a qubit-compatible aluminum fabrication process. Floquet TWPAs can be potentially integrated with sensitive quantum systems without isolators, enabling ideal broadband quantum measurements and opening up new possibilities for various information-critical applications in quantum information processing, metrology, and astronomy.
[1] K. Peng, M. Naghiloo, J. Wang, G. D. Cunningham, Y. Ye, and K. P. O’Brien, “Near-ideal quantum efficiency with a Floquet mode traveling wave parametric amplifier, arXiv:2104.08269 (2021).
Funding Sources: AWS Center for Quantum Computing|MIT RSC from the NEC Corporation Fund for Research in Computers and Communications|IARPA under Air Force Contract (FA8702-15-D-0001)

Kaidong Peng
Affiliation: MIT, Graduate Student
Areas of Research
- Superconducting Quantum Systems
Open to
- Internships