Observation of symmetry protected selection rules in periodically driven quantum systems
Guoqing Wang | Changhao Li | Paola Cappellaro
Periodically driven (Floquet) quantum systems have recently been a focus of nonequilibrium physics by virtue of their rich dynamics. Time-periodic systems not only exhibit symmetries that resemble those in spatially periodic systems, but also display novel behavior that arises from symmetry breaking. Characterization of such dynamical symmetries is crucial, but often challenging due to limited driving strength and lack of an experimentally accessible characterization technique. Here, we show how to reveal dynamical symmetries, namely, parity, rotation, and particle-hole symmetries, by observing symmetry-induced Floquet selection rules. Notably, we exploit modulated driving to reach the strong light-matter coupling regime, and we introduce a protocol to experimentally extract the transition matrix elements between Floquet states from the system coherent evolution. By using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond as an experimental test bed, we execute our protocol to observe symmetry-protected dark states and dark bands, and coherent destruction of tunneling. Our work shows how one can exploit the quantum control toolkit to study dynamical symmetries that arise in the topological phases of strongly driven Floquet systems.
Funding Sources: ARO Grant No. W911NF-11-1-0400 | NSF Grants No. PHY1734011 and No. EECS1702716

Guoqing Wang
Affiliation: MIT, Graduate Student
Areas of Research
- Quantum Sensing & Imaging
- Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics
Open to
- Internships
- Full-time positions