Error Mitigation Via Emulated Measurement of Stabilizers
Ami Greene | Morten Kjaergaard | Gabriel O. Samach | Mollie Schwartz | Andreas Bengtsson | Michael O’Keefe | Milad Marvian | Philip Krantz | Jochen Braumuller | Roni Winik | Alex Melville | Bethany Niedzielski | Jonilyn Yoder | Danna Rosenberg | Kevin Obenland | Terry P. Orlando | Iman Imarvian | Simon Gustavsson | William D. Oliver
Error mitigation techniques are critical for quantum information processing in the era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum technology. Strategies for mitigating coherent errors are of particular interest, since infidelity grows linearly with incoherent errors but can grow quadratically with coherent errors. In this work, we discuss a new error mitigation technique called Quantum Measurement Emulation (QME) which addresses coherent errors in logical qubits by emulating the measurement of stabilizer operators via stochastic gate application. We show how QME leads to a first-order insensitivity to coherent errors on a small superconducting qubit processor.
Funding Sources: ARO grant No. W911NF-18-1-0411 | Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering under Air Force Contract No. FA8702-15-D-0001 | Google Fellowship in Quantum Computing

Ami Greene
Affiliation: MIT, Graduate Student
Areas of Research
- Superconducting Quantum Systems